The Realm of Air

Riders of the wind

Although air and the precious oxygen we breathe is vital to humans, it is invisible so we are not as aware of it as we are of the elements of earth,…
Next in evolution of beings in the air realm are the zephyrs. These beings contain the beginnings of active intelligence and when they are mature…
Next in development, size and power in the air realm are the sylphs, older and wiser than the zephyrs. Resembling humans in stature and becoming 3’…
Cilarae (kih LAIR eye)
Cilarae (kih LAIR eye)
Air devas who are responsible for rain storms love excitement, revel in the power of these storms and joyfully ride the air currents. When these devas…
Equal in rank to the Cilarae are the Murmlo, the group that serves in our country’s coastal areas and influences the coming of storms or welcomed…
Angels of the Elements
Angels of the Elements
Devas and Angels of Lightning are examples of this order, and They serve under Planetary Intelligences who look at the world’s needs from several…
The highest and most developed Intelligences of the air kingdom work in the earth’s stratosphere. The Tija are tremendously advanced, Masterly and…
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